Abba’s 『I Have a Dream』
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I’ll cross the stream, I have a dream
<노래와 가사> (Abba live) (노래와 가사)
Cope (with)
-동사] 대처하다. 대응하다
-자동사] 대항하다, 맞서다, 잘 처리하다, 극복하다
I can’t this cope with this stress
케어기빙: 대처방법 --> methods of coping, coping, how to cope
You can learn how to cope.
명사] 경탄, 경이, 경이감, 경이로움 (대단함) [경치, 예술작품에 쓰임]
The wonder of a fairy tale.
The Seven Wonders of the world.
<동사] 궁금하다, 궁금해하다, ~이 어떨까 생각하다 (뭘까?)
I wonder who she is.
Have you ever wondered why he was so angry?
Fairy tale (요정이 나오는 이야기)
- 명사] 동화 (요정들과 신비로운 것들이 많이 나올 것 같은)
- 명사] 꾸며낸 이야기, 거짓말
Princess Diana’s fairy-tale wedding
I am taking a shot at becoming a singer.
I’m not throwing away my shot.
I’m busy but happy.
I’m not tired.
Have 동사 (소유)
I have a dream.
I have a brother and a sister.
Do you have a cold?
I don’t have any money.
긍정 |
부정 (not) |
현재형 |
I have a crisis. |
I do not have a crisis.
I don’t have a crisis. |
현재형 의문문 |
Do you have a crisis? |
Don’t you have any money?
Do you not have a dream? |
현재 진행형 |
I am having a panic attack. |
I am not having a panic attack. |
현재진행형 의문문 |
Are we having lunch together? |
Is she not having her salad? |